Sierra Sublime Blog

The Sierra is a magical place. You can say it is sublime. To truly get the most from this magical place if you are there a lot and you meander through it slowly. I have the luxury of doing both and this blog is designed to visually share my adventures.

Dad Why Do the Trees Change Colors?

Every year I reluctantly hang on to summer and resist the coming of Fall.  Despite my best efforts the days keep getting noticeably shorter, the nights have a chill, and heck it is mid-September and just snowed in the Sierra!  So, I will throw in the towel and look forward to Halloween and Fall colors.  Hopefully, this post will give you a bit of trivia and a lot of information on how to successfully see Fall colors in the Sierra.

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Yosemite can be the most beautiful place on earth or a crowded hell.  Five steps to make your visit a truly pleasant and memorable trip.

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Mom, why is the sky blue? Mom, Why is the sunset red? Mom, why does it always looks better in the Eastern Sierra? Answers to questions you May have always wanted to know

Man is not the only one who can produce beautiful fireworks.  Nature does a pretty fine job herself!  Lake Crowley sunset.  Have you ever wanted to be able to predict when the clouds are going to go nuclear?   Want to know why the sunrise/sunsets are usually yellow, orange and red?  Check out my latets blog post.

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Clouds are the Photographers Spice of Life

Clouds are a landscape photographer's spice to add flavor to their images.  Don't believe me, do a google on "Ansel Adam on cloud" and see how many hits come up of his images that have "cloud" in the name.  

My point is this,  There are a lot of good images that have a bright blue cloudless sky.  There are many more "great" images of the same location that have clouds in the sky!  I love the Owens Valley, it is gorgeous.   That said, would the above image be so moving if it did not have those wonderful clouds in the sky? I think not.

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