Sierra Sublime Blog

The Sierra is a magical place. You can say it is sublime. To truly get the most from this magical place if you are there a lot and you meander through it slowly. I have the luxury of doing both and this blog is designed to visually share my adventures.

Clouds are the Photographers Spice of Life

Hwy 395 in the Owens Valley

Clouds are a landscape photographer's spice to add flavor to their images.  Don't believe me, do a google on "Ansel Adam on cloud" and see how many hits come up of his images that have "cloud" in the name.  

My point is this,  There are a lot of good images that have a bright blue cloudless sky.  There are many more "great" images of the same location that have clouds in the sky!  I love the Owens Valley, it is gorgeous.   That said, would the above image be so moving if it did not have those wonderful clouds in the sky? I think not.

At times I travel a lot.  When I do I spend a lot of hours in airplanes.  It was during those hours that I really fell in love with clouds and how God paints the sky with them.  I am amazed how many folks who have window seats who never even look out at the incredible scenes that are going by their windows.

Now, I always try for a window seat.  It soothes my soul watching those wonderful clouds float by. It makes the hours of the flight, fly by (pun intended.) I take my camera almost every trip and have come away with some incredible images. See a few below.  Most think I am crazy because I root for the plane to get closer to those thunderheads, damn the turbulence, I want to get my picture!  

Prehistoric World from 30,000 feet

The Octopus

Wingtip Almost Touches the Clouds

Can You See it? Near the top of the cloud, just to the right of center there looks like a scratch in the image.  It is actually another airliner.  So just imagine the immense scale of that cloud!

So forgive the long download time.  I am going to let my cloud images do the talking for me.  After an hour + of trying to whittle the number of images down I still have too many images in this post .  If you like the images with clouds you may want to check out my friend Matt Granz work  He has gone head over heels for Storm chasing and a lot fo his images are breathtaking!

So sit back and enjoy the clouds!


Tenaya Lake, Yosemite - Stormy Above, Calm Below

Venice Beach California - Looking into a Mirror

Horse Shoe Lake Mammoth Lakes, Ca - Big Sky


Shrouded Half Dome Yosemite, Ca 

Stormy North Lake - Bishop Ca

Crowley Lake, Mammoth Lakes, Ca - Sunset was competing with the 4th of July Fireworks

Clearing Storm over the Minaretes, Mammoth Lakes, Ca

Tuscany, Italy - Clouds Add Spice Everywhere in the World

El Matador State Beach, Ca - God Painting His Canvas with Color

Sunrise over Mono Lake, Ca - Trail to Parker Lake

Sunset Mammoth Lakes, Ca - This is under 10 feet of snow right now!

Have I convinced you? Don't landscape images look better with a touch of photogrpaher's spice?