Sierra Sublime Blog

The Sierra is a magical place. You can say it is sublime. To truly get the most from this magical place if you are there a lot and you meander through it slowly. I have the luxury of doing both and this blog is designed to visually share my adventures.

Clouds and Glass

My personal favorite landscape scene is of a lake with water so still it looks like glass, a sky with clouds, and framed by mountains. I call then Clouds and Glass.

To capture this type of image you tend to have to be at the location ungodly early or just after sunset.  Even when you do get there at the right time there is no guarantee you will find the scene you want. A little wind and you are doomed. Finding a lake with glass and clouds is like finding a winning lottery ticket.

Here are a few images that demonstrate why these are my dream scenes.

Convict Lake Early Morning

It was a cold morning and during the fall color season; where photographers flock the Eastern Sierra.  That morning there were probably 40+ other photographers at the lake.  Most gathered in the same spots - on the bridge or on the breakwater rocks trying to get the same shot.  I had those shots already and wanted something different.  So I walked along the road occasionally crawling through the trees to check out the views from the shore.  Finally, I stumbled on this spot and I knew it was the one.  Unfortunately, there were no clouds, but the lake was glass and the alpenglow marvelous.

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Horseshoe Lake Under Clouds

Horseshoe lake is gorgeous, but I have struggled over time to get an image that I truly liked.  This day it had all the making of a great image. Glass water near the shore and the most delicious big sky clouds you could ask for.  It just sucks you right into the scene.

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Silver Lake Reflection

I think Silver Lake is one of the most photographic lakes in the Eastern Sierra.  Mainly because it can look so different with differences in weather and time of the year.  I have captured several awesome images from this same spot that look totally different.  I know it will be a special image when the water is glass and there are storm clouds like the ones we had this day. It is something special to behold. Even better this was in the afternoon so I did not have to get up way early in the morning to capture the scene.

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Horseshoe Lake Reflection

As I had said in a previous description Horseshoe Lake is gorgeous, but it is hard to translate what you see and feel into a two dimensional image.  Sometimes however the lake poses for you.  No clouds this day but the water was perfect glass providing a crystal-clear reflection. It was cold that morning but well worth it.

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Tenaya Sunset

We had gone up to Yosemite to have a picnic. Tenaya Lake was the perfect spot.  Our puppy could swim, we could have a picnic, and it was just off the chart beautiful that day.  Sometimes inconveniences turn into blessings.  We had trouble with the car and with no cell service we were having trouble flagging any park folks to stop and help.  We were not planning to be there this late.  Then something magical happened.  The lake went perfectly calm and the cumulus clouds in the distance went nuclear in color.  The entire lake turned a shade of orange.  It was incredible.  Eventually, we got the issue with the car resolved but the delay gave us a beauty show the likes of I have not seen again.

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Well now, you know my favorite type of scene and hopefully after seeing a few examples you know why.