Sierra Sublime Blog

The Sierra is a magical place. You can say it is sublime. To truly get the most from this magical place if you are there a lot and you meander through it slowly. I have the luxury of doing both and this blog is designed to visually share my adventures.

Hike Big Sycamore Canyon - Tejon Ranch

If you go to the Tejon Ranch Conservancy website they have this quote:

“There is no other place like Tejon Ranch in California...and perhaps in the world.”

I have to say it is true, it is true. 

  •   It is immense at 270,000 acres, the largest contiguous private property in California.

  •   It is diverse lying at the boundaries of multiple ecosystems as diverse as the Sierra Nevada and the Mojave Desert.

  •   It is magnificently beautiful.  Especially when there is weather happening!

The Ranch is private property but through the hospitality of Tejon Ranch Conservancy you can explore it for yourself.  I highly recommend you do. Hopefully this post will inspire you to sign up to visit the Ranch. 

The hike today was in Big Sycamore Canyon.  It was a moderate five mile in-and-out hike.

A major storm had hit the day before and the storm was clearing out the day of our hike.  Driving to the Ranch from the south, Mt. Pinos was stunning covered in new snow.  There were low lying clouds in the direction of where the hike is so I was excited for the possibility of some awesome views. I was not disappointed.

I enjoy entering the Ranch from the gate we used because there is an experimental wind turbine that in the vastness of nothingness looks out of place.  It is so surreal, it reminds me of the planet Tatooine where Luke Skywalker grew up in the first Star Wars movie.

Big Syscamore The Road In Star Wars -3828 LR-2.jpg

The hike starts out with a gentle grade f or a long while in a mix of Oaks and Sycamores. As you get farther into the canyon the grade gets a little steeper.

Big Sycamore Light on the Trail-3928 LR-6.jpg

There are enough interesting sights along the way that you tend to stop, check them out, and catch your breath. 

Big Sycamore Roots and Moss -3898 LR-4.jpg

Is it me or do you see a Dolphin too?

Big Sycamore Leafy Gully I -3953_4_5_6_7 LR-9.jpg
Big Sycamore Rock and Fallen Oak -3943 LR-7.jpg

With the low clouds and a bit of fog the colors of the canyon were very rich.

The turn around point is a small meadow with a half built abandoned cabin and an open barn.  They have a picnic table in the meadow that makes a nice place to rest, talk, and have lunch.

Big Syscamore Turn Around Meadow --9.jpg

When we got back to the car, Reema our excellent guide, drove us over to the entrance of Little Sycamore Canyon.  It is ironic that some of the biggest Sycamores we saw that day were at “Little” Sycamore canyon.

Big Syscamore Turn Around Meadow --11.jpg

As we packed up to head off the ranch the clouds continued to give us a beautiful send off.

Little Syscamore Big Sky II -4020 Mod LR-15.jpg

It was a great day on the Tejon Ranch.  I highly recommend you give it a try.  The Conservancy has a great outreach program and you can check out the calendar of events here!

Have a great week!

Bob Kent