Sierra Sublime Blog

The Sierra is a magical place. You can say it is sublime. To truly get the most from this magical place if you are there a lot and you meander through it slowly. I have the luxury of doing both and this blog is designed to visually share my adventures.

My Top Images of 2016

Everyone seems to make a list at the end of the year.  Best of, Top X, etc.  Not to be left out starting in 2016 I am going to build a list of my top images.  The selection is a combination of a great image and a sort of category of themes during the year.

2016 was a busy year with an emphasis on getting out and doing more.  I had my pledge drive 54 for Dave to thank getting my out on the trail in the Sierra.  Probably more than 30 miles this summer.  Last year I missed going to see the huge Yellow Rubber Ducky so I made a pledge to myself to check more things out this year, Balloon Fests, Huge White Rabbits, and a long road trip up Hwy 1 and back again.

There were too many great images to chose from.  So I created categories and chose image(s) to visuualize each category:

  • Try Something New
  • Check Out Your Local Digs
  • See Something Don't Be Afraid to Stop and Check it Out
  • Give Due to Those Who Have Earned It
  • Bucket List
  • The Blues
  • Clouds are Mother Nature's Spice
  • My Beloved Sierra
  • Operation Santa