A few years ago, after putting an image of a military grave site for Veterans Day post I got lectured by a friend who was a Vet. He said Memorial Day is not the same as Veteran's Day.
- Memorial Day is the day we honor those who gave everything in the defense of our freedom.
- Veteran’s Day is the day we honor those who were willing to make the sacrifice but never had to.
"There is a difference between the two and don’t mix them together" he said. Veterans are passionate about what they endured and accomplished and we owe it to them to understand and respect the difference between the two holidays.
Pearl Harbor Reenactment at the Los Angeles Air Show
I have been in a several situations that made me reflect on the sacrifice that our Veterans have made for me and you.
Funny thing is that a B-17 is involved with many of them. So here are three to help all of us put Veteran's Day in perspective.
Tuskegee Airmen
When I was coaching Little League with the kids on my team being nine or ten I took the team to the Van Nuys Airport to see a B17 that was on tour. It just so happened that the day we went there was a ceremony, with the B17 in the background, honoring Tuskegee Airmen. Ernest Borgnine was MC and was giving a speech honoring those brave airmen. It was a speech given by a man who was speaking from the heart. Mr. Borgnine was not just an actor who played a Navy officer in McCale’s Navy he was a vet who served in the Navy during WII. So it was a Vet honoring other Vets and you could tell!
It was the first time I had heard of the Tuskegee Airmen and was amazed by their story. At the time it went over the head of the kids I brought, but somehow I hope it left a seed that would germinate later in life when they later saw the movie made about the “Red Tails.”
Veteran Never Lose their Spirit
It took a while for me to get this picture of the B17 above. The delay was not from setting up the camera but waiting for a group of folks to move from the door of the plane. After a while I noticed they were trying to get this older gentleman down the ladder from the side door.. So I went to help and started talking to the two men that were trying to get him down. They were smiling and full of joy. You see the older man was a WWII Vet who had served flying in B25s. He was old and very frail. But when they helped him up to look inside the door he jumped out of their supporting hands into the plane. He was able to maneuver inside the plane without assistance. It seemed his age melted away as he came home. It was worth the wait and I will always think of that Vet when I look at this image of the B17. Just a fun side note. My son and I have actually flown in this B17 and it was awesome!
I was heading for a flight home at the Phoenix Airport. The TSA line was not too long but there was a full teenage military Honor Guard in line ahead of me. I mean a "full" honor Guard as they were four of them with helmets, rifles, flags (on six foot poles), ammunition belts, etc. I am thinking to myself the TSA will have no idea how to handle what is walking through their line, nor would Southwest. I was right as it took TSA nearly twenty minutes to figure out how to get them through screening.
Later., while I was at the gate waiting for my plane an announcement came over the PA. Someone was saying “If any folks have a few extra minutes please come to gate seven. We have some WWII Vets coming home from seeing the WWII Monument in DC. We would like to give them a warm welcome.” I had the time so went down to the gate. There must have been over a hundred plus folks gathered around the gate. There was that honor guard at full attention. As the Vets came off the plane, many in wheelchairs, the gate attendant started singing some patriotic song, I forget what it was now, but we all sang along. It was very moving and I will always have a warm spot in my heart for Southwest. I cannot think of any other airline that would show that much heart.
So this Veteran’s day if you see a vet, say thank you and shake their hand. It will make their day and they deserve it. My wife did it the other day and came back in such a good mood because the Vet said it made his day!