Bob Kent Photography

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Update on Operation Santa

Get the Christmas Spirit

This is so cool. One of my friends, Ralph Nunez, read my blog on Operation Santa and wrote back to me. He offered to join in with me on my Christmas quest. He wrote "He was Feeling old and need some Christmas Spirit! So now, thanks to Ralph, two families are going to get presents for Christmas! When I wrote back to tell him he is in he responded with “Feeling younger already! “ Man I am getting that Christmas Spirit.

Now according to Arlo Guthrie in his Alice's Restaurant song; when two people doing something, in harmony, well its notable* but..( *look up the actual lyrics they are much more colorful)

But if three people do it, well....

And if three people do it! Can you imagine three people walkin' in, singin' 
A bar of "Alice's Restaurant" and walkin' out? They may think it's an

So come on folks let's make this thing so big it is an Organization! Can someone else become an Elf and make some kid, who got dealt a crummy hand in life, have an awesome Christmas!  

Chip in and make us an Organization!

Here are the links with all the details again:

To find out what Post Offices have the program click here. And for more information on the who, what, when and how(s) go to the site How to be an Elf.

If you do let me know so I know I started an official Christmas Organization!

To get a sense who you are helping. Here are the letters I pulled.

Dear Santa Claus

My name is blank. I am 11 years old. This year my dad din't get that much work. So he couldn't buy me or my two brothers much stuff. So we would really appreciate if you can send some presents. The one thing I would really like for Christmas is a doll, any doll, or a doll house. My brother, he is 15, and would like a soccer ball, And my older brother is 17 and he would love a gift card, for any store. My mom and dad would really love if you could send them a gift card so the can have dinner together. These are the things that we would love to have this Christmas. Hope you can give it to us.

Thank you



Dear Santa

My name is (blank). I am in first grade I have straight A's and I have been good. My mom has been sick she has canser. She has not worked for a while. I was thinking because I have been good I can get some cool gifts this Christmas. I like Ironman, pokemon, Mario Sonic Music. My favorire colors are yellow and red. Star Wars. And I want to make a ginger bread house with my Mom. PS I also like that makey robot toy. I also would like a EDS with eny games for it and also an iphone 6 and cord iphone

To Santa from Issac

Dear Santa

My name is Blank and I am Blanks Mom. As you just read my son has been good in school, so far. His grades were, in every subject, outstanding! An overall A. As you know, this year has been a difficult one for us. On November 15, 2015 our lives completely changed. I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma Stage 2, with a football size tumor resting/compressing my left lung and heart. Fortunately, thanks to God, on September 1 I was officially in remission. But my battle is not over yet. The tumor is still 2/3rds it size which means they do not believe I well be cancer free more than 8 months. So I have been told I must proceed with a stem cell transplant, and surgery with a month long stay at City of Hope. Which unfortunately, because of timing, I may be in the hospital for Christmas or hopefully the week after. Unfortunately it is not up to me. If I am admitted before Christmas, it will be the first Christmas I spend without my son. As you can imagine will be very hard for a single Mom as myself. Luckily his Father is present in his life and would be able to be with my boy if needed. The joy and happiness and will to fight has all been driven for the love of my son. And he has been so amazingly strong throughout the entire process. But what he doesn't know is that I may be gone Christmas and I have also exhausted all of my Disability funds which will be making the holidays extremely difficult. Luckily my mother, who I sue to take care of this past year has been helping me and my son. So I am asking if you could please make this Christmas as wonderful as possible for Issa and answer his Christmas letter. His happiness with or without me, means the world to me. Thanks so much for your kindness.


Pulls you heart strings doesn't it.  Its Christmas Spirit time act on it...