Bob Kent Photography

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No Hike but Gorgeous Sunset Images

Location Yosemite - Yosemite - Tenaya Lake
Mileage - 0

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When we went up to the Sierra over the 4th of July I fully attended to get a hike in for the 54 for Dave.  It turned out it was not to be as we did a lot of activities, Fireworks and Bodie,  when our friends Rick, Lori, and Alex were with us and well the day after it just felt to good to sleep in.

That said Vicki, the puppies, and I had a wonderful field trip to Yosemite High country.  We had a picnic at the Tuolumne Meadows Lodge and then continued our picnic at Tenaya Lake.   We had a little thunder and a light drizzle at Tuolumne Meadows but the storm was to the North East of us at Tenaya.  The lake and the clouds were amazing that afternoon.  We had a little incident that kept us past sunset and the view of the sunset was absolutely off the charts.  I summarized the afternoon like we went to a three act play that Mother Nature put on.









Act I - Storm Clouds and Wind

Act II - Golden Hour

Act III - Still Waters

Act IV - The Encore

So while I did not retire any miles for the pledge drive I did want to share with you these amazing images of the sunset that afternoon.  Will get back to walking in early August!

If you want to hear the whole story on how we got these images visit my photo blog here.


We have already raise $500 of my $2,500 goal to help the Slice of Lime reach it $25,000 goal to City of Hope.  All donations are to help find the cure to blood cancer and assist those that are impacted by it today!  If you are enjoying the posts and feel that is a worthy goal please donate below.  Donations of $25 or more get a signed 8x10 of your choice of an image from the hikes or from my website. Donations of $60 get a signed 12x18, and the largest donation over $250 will get a signed 24x36 printed on metal. The donation link is below!

Till next time “Happy trails to you...till we meet again…..”

You can donate to the 54 fro Dave pledge drive at this link.